06 November, 2021

Six on Saturday - 6th November 2021

November surprises

Despite some very chilly nights of late, my garden has thrown up some surprises. This week's #SixOnSaturday, inspired by The Propagator includes a few of them.  

1) Crocosmia (?)

I planted some new bulbs earlier in the year, some in a pot. I'd given up hope of any of them flowering this year but these have alternative ideas and there are now two blooms dancing around in the breeze. 

2) Cosmos

After a tentative start, the cosmos have finally got going. The flowers are now much taller than me!

3) Bidens

I know you've seen this one already, but it is continuing to produce an abundance of happy yellow flowers.

4) Geranium

Gerwat is still flowering profusely. Somehow the blue seems more blue at the moment. It might be the autumn sun, or it might be that they really are more blue.  

5) Hebe

My very large hebe has put on a second flush of these lovely purple and white flowers.  

6) Strawberry

I had a double-take walking down the garden yesterday. Strawberries! I thought they'd finished weeks ago and had removed all the netting from them and was poised to start harvesting runners for new plants. But they've had alternative ideas and one variety - one with a red flower and these tooth-shaped fruits - has put on another flush of flowers some of which are now turning into fruits. So it looks like not only do I get to pick my own breakfast in May, but also in November! 

That's all for this week. Check out the participant guide if you want to join in.

Six on Saturday - 2nd September 2023

Survivors and thrivers Best laid plans and all that - I had my six pics all ready for last week's #SixOnSaturday and then got distracted...